Well I was trying to think about writing something not about jumping in the sea because I just kind of glanced at my site and everything was blahing on about sea related stuff and that makes no sense as I reckon I only get a few hours a week in the sea so I must do an awful lot more than just that, I mean today I drove kids to school, cycled into town and back (business meeting), skateboarded back to school, picked up kids, took them to park, walked to car and drove the skateboard and kids and me home. Later I am going to drive to Gatwick Airport to pick up some friends who are flying over from Denmark. I just did some work, cooked a really lame dinner for the kids, and am downloading a film to watch later as well.
Psychologically I am a bit in need of grabbing some of my mojo which has ebbed of late.
I have been playing with Google Plus a little bit and this week make some great inroads into really grabbing WordPress by the balls.
I decided I ought to insert a picture so chose a random one from my recent images.
Anyway if anyone reads this they’ll grab the irony involved. I, personally was quite upset at the “dont jump into the unknown” stuff on the sign as my mad love is of the leap of the absurd.